Often the #kleffers when they attent to our events, they ask us for recommendations to buy new games for their toy library or to give to friends and family. We have always thought that recommending a game is quite complicated and personal but that with taking into account some premises or games that you liked it is possible.
We have put together a very varied list of some games that we especially liked and that have been widely played this year 2020 in our weekly meetings. You can buy any of them at Mathom online or stop by Mathom Maldà to meet their cute minions.
IMPORTANT! This list does not follow any by “better or worse”, we have been taking them from our shelf and we explain a little of what it is about. Shall we start?
El Maestro (Tranjis Games)
One of the surprises of this year. It is a mime game in which one of the players will take the role of a “magician” who will try to draw the drawing he has received in the air following some simple rules to facilitate the explanation to the rest of the players. Supports a large number of players simultaneously and can be played remotely. We have made some games through videoconferencing and it works great. If you like to guess or draw, this is your game.

2. Dragon Trail Passport (Cucafera games)
An outdoor game in which we put ourselves in the shoes of intrepid adventurers to find the hidden dragons in Barcelona. A very interesting proposal from the publisher led by Núria Casellas, author of Zoom in Barcelona, which allows us to discover places in Barcelona from a playful perspective recommended for all ages. The Dragon Trail Passport of Madrid is about to launch. Like its Barcelona version, it is available in several languages such as Spanish, English, French or German. There is no excuse not to try it!

3. Roll to the Top (Zacatrus)
Novelty of this 2020 that has come stomping. A dice game in which we will have to make combinations to place the different numbers on the buildings and reach the top before the rest of the players do. Very easy to learn to play and we can also play from home via videoconference with our friends. In addition, the price is almost unbeatable (only € 9!) And it is an excellent option to complete the budget of Christmas gifts.

4. Camel Up (Mas que Oca)
A classic, winner of the 2014 Spiel des Jahres, which this year has undergone a facelift and update (with new mechanics) in version 2.0. We love this game for its wide range of players, simple rules and great fun: who doesn’t like to bet on a camel race? Suitable for gamers and not so gamers. In this game, chance plays a quite important role, but as it is a “party” style, it does not generate frustration and, in return, gives great moments of fun.

5. ¡Desplumados! (Venatus Ediciones)
Surely you have ever played Virus! (Posted by Tranjis Games). Well, plucked! It is a very powerful alternative since they share some features and it introduces some very interesting ideas. We are facing a card game with very simple rules that has the objective that one of the players gets 5 chickens of the same color. Easy right? However, the game has some cards that our opponents will play to make it difficult for us to achieve our goal. Very low price and with a lot of interaction between players.
Currently this game is semi-discontinued and in the process of migration to another board game publisher, so we recommend that you contact them through Instagram.

6. Unusual Suspects (Edge Entertainment)
Following the recommendations based on games that are well known, we find this game, which we should not confuse with the movie of the same name, in which we will test our ability to deduct. The gameplay is very similar to Código Secreto (Codenames): cooperative and with a “Game Master” who will give us clues to find the real suspect. Be warned: you have to get rid of your prejudices to play. You can find this game on Mathom Malda Outlet.

7. Junk Art (Ludonova)
A very versatile skill game. When we bring this game to the table we always say that it falls into the category of “fun”, that is, it does not matter so much who wins or scores points, but the most important thing is to have a good time surrounded by friends. With Junk Art it is very easy to laugh since the challenges they propose are “difficult” to achieve when trying to build impossible constructions with balls, floats or tubes. It was one of the games we chose at the Virtual Reality + Board Games event and, to be honest, we heard several participants say that they were going to buy it. Mission accomplished!

It is important to note that all these games have almost zero dependence on the language so they work perfectly with international audiences.
BONUS: Black Stories (Gen-X Games)
If you like riddles and ask questions, this is the game. The approach of the game is simple: a mini-story is told where a death has occurred and players other than the narrator must ask Yes / No. questions. We find a multitude of topics so it is easy for some of the topics to be Snap in and start putting your detective skills to the test.
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