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Juegos de la semana 06/03

This week we have some additions to our board games collection!

  • Claim: Alianzas: wo-player game where you must temporarily join forces to face an ancient threat. The game is played in two phases: first, you recruit followers and select alliance cards; then, you gather factions and fulfill alliance requirements to defeat the enemies. If you succeed, both players win and can return to their rivalry. Unlike the standard game, victory here depends on cooperation rather than dominating factions.
  • Misma mente: cooperative game where players work together to avoid a “trap” category. After selecting a difficulty level and category cards, each player secretly picks a number corresponding to a category and receives an object card. They then write down an object similar to their card in the trap category but different in all other aspects. During a turn, the active player reveals their object card and word without speaking, while others discuss and reveal categories, trying to avoid the trap. The game ends after each player has had a turn, and the team’s score reflects their success.
  • Onix: strategic game where players collect and use Gems to form sets of four different types. Each player starts with four face-up Gems, and the remaining cards are placed in five face-up Draw Piles. On their turn, a player selects a visible Gem, retrieves matching cards, adds them to their Collections, applies the Gem’s effect, and validates completed sets to store cards in their Stock. Play continues clockwise until a set number of Draw Piles are empty, and the player with the most cards in their Stock wins.
  • ¡Kikirikí!: game of glances, telepathy and fleeting gestures. Let your teammate know, through a secret signal, that you are holding a set of three. But be careful: if your opponents catch you, you won’t score any points! So don’t be a chicken … Don’t get caught!
  • Quorum!: strategy game where players become Roman senators vying for influence over Rome and its provinces. Over twelve rounds, players take turns playing cards to impact different provinces and accumulate influence. At the end of the game, victory points are awarded based on the cards played and influence gained, determining the most powerful senator. The player with the highest influence wins, securing their dominance over the Empire.

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