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A really fun night

If you are reading this article it is very likely that you have already participated in one of our activities, if you do not know much about us you can read the article about KLEFF’s first 6 months in which we explain what we did during the first 6 months of our existence or simply visit the about‘s page where you will make us face.

Be that as it may, here we will explain a little about what we did last week, on June 9, 2021. Lately we have been visited by quite a few board game authors such as Alberto Millán, Pak Gallego from GdM Games or this last week Nil and Jordi from La Comuna Jocs. Well, what happened that day?

This week our friends from La Comuna Jocs have come to present their game Pis a Pis, which was financed through Verkami. If it doesn’t sound like this from Verkami to you, we’ll explain it to you: it’s basically a crowdfunding platform where authors or entrepreneurs set a funding goal to develop a project. While it is true that the purpose of this platform is for different people to make donations to help authors, little by little it has become a way to test projects. If the funding goal is achieved, the person promoting the campaign can set different stretch goals for patrons to earn rewards that can range from the board game in development to product enhancements such as exclusive content or better materials.

Pis a Pis by La Comuna Jocs

We are very proud to say that we love bet on innovative projects. We are promoting the culture building concept through which we want to connect international youth to exchange culture through board games. A very important part of this initiative is to help authors reach more people with their games, receive (positive) reviews and establish a meeting point so that those who are interested in the game can try it out.

Returning to Pis a Pis, on Wednesday more than 15 people tried it, including Jugador Inicial, Karen or Alberto Millán. The general feedback has been very good and everyone has agreed that it is a good proposal to start a game night. Some added values ​​of this game are: the materials that have been used to edit the game are sustainable, thus, for example the box is made of recycled craft cardboard free of plastic and wood that respects the “one tree plants another tree” model and, in the same way, all the components are manufactured by local companies, boosting the km0 economy. If you want to try it, you can stop by our game nights, they have given us several copies to try it! Thank you very much Nil and Jordi for your good vibes and for playing with the #kleffers.

Nil from la Comuna Jocs playing his game

Why have we put the title of this publication as “a very fun night”? Simply because in addition to enjoying up to 3 simultaneous games of Pis a Pis, we were able to play other games. Our short chronicle:

One of the games that we have seen circulating on some of the tables has been Zumos (Zacatrus and Brain Picnic). A fun game in which we have to group the most kawai ingredients to make the best juices. Super versatile and suitable for large groups of gamers and not so gamers. Surely you have noticed the images of the cards, that’s why we asked you about the importance of art in board games. Is it a factor that calls your attention to buy a game?

Zumos by Zacatrus / Brain Picnic

If you are regularly watching our activity on Meetup, surely you have heard about the online tournament that we organize for Chakra (Mercurio Distribuciones), an abstract in which we have to get the gems of each color to go to their area. Recommended by the Spiel des Jahres of this year 2021.

Other games that have seen the table and that have made us have a great time have been Zoom in Barcelona, ​​La Polilla Tramposa or Cash n Guns.

Falomir Juegos has helped us to expand our toy library with some donations, among which is Pana Po’o. @notgretawhodis made an emotional reflection on what has generated him being a participant in the playful community, where KLEFF has had a very relevant role, if you want to know what he said, click here.

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Karen (@notgretawhodis) playing Pana Po’o by Falomir Juegos

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