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What are you playing these first months of 2022?

How are you? How is this year going? At KLEFF we are going full blast and these last weeks we have played a lot of new games with new #kleffers. In this article we will talk about some of the new games that we have played (and made to play). Ready?

  1. Paradice (Zacatrus)

Who is coming to the fair? Surely this question makes you smile, because who does not like to go to a fair? Bumper cars, merry-go-rounds, hot dogs, cotton candy, prizes… It has it all!

Sergio Ortiz,  the author of the successful ¡Desplumados! and La Morada Maldita brings us a spectacular game full of colors and 50 dices. Excellent work by Zacatrus, @theismurg !

In Paradice we find a game with simple rules, very eye-catching on the table but with enough depth to please everyone.

The mechanics may remind you a bit of great titles like Potion Explosion or Sagrada, but the scoring track will make you have to choose well which cards to try to complete so that, at the end of the game, you score (or not).

On your turn you will have to take a die from the dispenser and place it on the cards you have in your playing area to try to complete the booths with their respective placement rules. Be careful! As we have said, the scoring track with the different booths will be of vital importance since advancing it too much can result in a loss of points. Balance!

We were lucky enough to try it at Dau Barcelona together with @notgretawhodis, @elpandajugon and Piru from La Mazmorra de Pachecho and we loved it!

Sure to be a hit at game nights! What are you waiting to do with him?

Paradice cards
  1. Moly Atrapa y Yuncos (En Peu de Jocs Edicions)

A few weeks ago the successful campaign of verkami de Yuncos and Moly Atrapa began, the last two news from En Peu de Jocs Edicions, in collaboration with the Chilean publisher Within Play.

Two very interesting Roll & Write style games suitable for all audiences that didn’t stop playing all night. You can see all the information about the campaign and the inspiration for the games on the profile of En Peu de Jocs Edicions. 

Thank you @jugadorinicial for being the master of ceremonies! If you want to know more about the games, we invite you to read the post in the Jugador Inicial profile, where he explains what he thought and gives us the keys to each of the games.

Every week you will be able to try Yuncos in our game nights thanks to the copy that they have given us.

Yuncos & Moly Atrapa
  1. La Llama del Amor / It’s Llamatch!

Who hasn’t used a dating app like tinder?

Just on 14th February, Valentine’s Day , the crowdfunding campaign of La Llama del Amor / It’s Llamatch! on Kickstarter.

It is a very simple game, filler style, in which players will have to do these actions:

  1. Browse the app: what has been swipe (like or next, depending on your preferences)
  2. Flirting time: It’s time to play cards to interact with our Llamatch, Stalk others, etc.
  3. Reload page: or what is the same, draw cards to complete the hand of 5 cards.

A fun game that has spectacular illustrations and draws a lot of attention for its casual style and cute theme. Lovers of fast-paced games with few rules will really like it. To put some downside, we miss that it is a little more spicy and has stayed halfway with an NSFW version like Exploding Kittens did some time ago.

La Llama del Amor / It’s llamatch!

4. Peca Tú (TCG Factory)

In this very portable game we find a game with a lot of interaction between players in which through the 7 deadly sins we will be doing different actions to try to be the first player to run out of cards in hand before the others. other players.

You’ll like it if…

  • You’re looking for a card game with very agile games and, above all, with a high level of interest among the players.
  • You’re looking for a game for all ages.
  • You’re looking for a game that you can bring it anywhere.
  • You’re looking for a game with fun artwork and quality components, including six custom discs for each player to keep track of their game progress. Remember the importance of art in board games.
Peca tú

5. Sonora (Devir Iberia)

Does the Flick & Write mechanic sound familiar to you? You probably don’t know of any game that incorporates this mechanic, but you do know of a Roll & Write or Flip & Write game.

In Sonora, published in Spain by Devir Iberia and originally by Pandasaurus Games, we have a very innovative proposal that combines the mechanics of flicking (hitting) where we will push a disk with our fingers and write (write or draw).

The turns take place in two phases:

1 Shoot the discs

2️ Draw

One of the most striking aspects is its stage where we shoot the discs and try to make them reach the area that interests us the most and then draw and score points. When the flick phase ends, the drawing phase begins and we find ourselves with 4 different scenarios with different ways of scoring. It’s like there are 4 games in one, in true Juegos Reunidos (Geyper) style! 

A very easy game to bring to the table and that little experienced players have liked a lot. The fact of hitting and displacing the discs of the opponents is always a hoot. It has also suited more advanced players, as it has a very interesting strategic component in which we have to plan beyond the current turn to score many more points.

And you, which games are you playing?

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Sonora board and drawing sheets

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