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Welcome back, Game Nights!

Yes, after a few months (since last year, in December…) we are back to organize game nights! The Wednesday nights where we sit around the table to try out new games and meet interesting people have been sorely missed.

Here are some of the reasons why you should come and see us on a Wednesday:

1.- Board games are fun.

Yes, everyone likes board games. Whoever says they don’t like them is because they haven’t tried the right ones yet. There are board games for all tastes: simple and quick games in which the rules are learned literally in two minutes and have no greater purpose than to make you spend a fun time, games designed to uninhibited, more complicated games in which to think and make masterful moves to take the victory or even games to learn new things. If you don’t know which is your ideal game, we recommend you to read the post about choosing a good game and not dying in the attempt.

Camel Up by Masqueoca

2.- You will make new friends

At KLEFF we put a lot of effort into bringing new people to each of our events and many of the participants come for the first time (although many end up becoming regulars!), so you won’t be alone! We love having new people come and we are on a mission to make you feel at home. The title of this reason is with knowledge of cause: Pau, André and Núria met in a board game Meetup so we try to create friendships as real as ours!

People playing Catan and some other Board Games

3.- New games

Hasn’t it ever happened to you that a game catches your attention but you don’t feel like buying it? The space we have created is ideal to try new games and check if it is your game or not. We will teach you how to play and solve all your doubts! Also, if you don’t have any game in mind but you have tried a game that you have fallen in love with, you can always ask for the “chef’s recommendation” so that we can recommend you a game related to that game. The typical “Teacher! Teacher!” often sounds within the walls of the restaurant where we meet.

Pau teaching Azul

4.- International atmosphere

Every Wednesday we are visited by people from all over the world. If you are looking for a place to do a different kind of language exchange, KLEFF is the place for you. We are promoting the concept of “culture building” or what is the same: the exchange of cultures with a strong recreational component. In Barcelona there are many language exchange groups but all of them remain the same: four questions to break the ice and little more (what is your name, what do you do, if you study or not or what country are you from). Playing board games allows you to use languages in a real way, with expressions from “the street” and in a casual way.

Likes Juego, an interesting card game to guess your friends’ likes

5.- Better accompanied

We have put this title as a wild card to mention two aspects: (a) getting out of the routine on a Wednesday is an excellent idea and if you do it accompanied by people of the same age group and with similar interests it is the perfect cocktail and (b) game nights accompanied by good food and refreshments will delight the most demanding stomachs.

Sospechosos Inusuales by Lúdilo Juegos

Are you up for it?

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Àlex teaching how to play CuBirds (Maldito Games), listened by @notgretawhodis

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